Why Trenchless Pipe Lining is a Better Option

Why Trenchless Pipe Lining is a Better Option

One of the biggest property-owning headaches settles in when aging water pipes start causing problems.  They can develop gradually as pinpoint leaks expand into larger problems, or can dramatically burst, flooding your property.

San Diego, in particular, has an issue with outdated and degraded water pipes. Older neighborhoods may have miles of pipes composed of iron or clay that could date back a century or more. Other properties may use PVC pipe that also breaks down over time. Tree root growth, ground shifts, and normal wear and tear can create serious problems in pipes.

Property owners should check over the pipes for which they have the responsibility to make sure that they still can perform their task.

Even small leaks should get repaired quickly because they can add up to major costs over weeks or months. Some may find that the water lost in a year would have more than paid for repairs.

More importantly, in a state that often strains to provide safe drinking water during occasional droughts, leaky water pipes lose significant amounts of this most precious resource.

If a checkup discovers leaks or other problems, the property owner has an important decision to make. How should he or she choose to get the job done?

A property owner has two choices when it comes to pipe repair and replacement. Either go with the traditional method of excavating and replacing the pipe or use the latest and least invasive technology that could save residential and business owners like hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of dollars.

trenchless pipe lining

The Old-Fashioned Way

Laying water pipes in trenches serves as the traditional way to install or repair a water pipe system.

How traditional?  Underground water delivery systems date back at least to the time of the Roman Republic, possibly as early as 200 BC. Just because a method is millennia old, however, does not mean that it serves as the best method in the 21st century.

In this method, the contractor must dig deep into the ground along the entire length of the affected pipe. This procedure will involve the use of expensive heavy equipment and the moving of tons of dirt.

Finding the pipe, digging to reach it, and then repair or replacement consume a lot of resources, making this a complex way to restore optimal water service.

Problems With Trench Dug Pipe Laying

The traditional method of repairing or replacing pipes involves transforming part or all of a property into a major construction project. Large areas of the yard will require digging up, regardless of any landscaping or hard surfaces encountered.

Even outside of the area that requires digging, heavy machinery tracks can grind into grass or other property features. Backhoes, trucks, and other specialized equipment may be necessary to complete the job. Each has the potential to tear into lawns, gardens, and other features on your landscape.

Once the contractors perform their work and fill in the holes, they have no obligation to restore the property. Unless otherwise specified, the responsibility of returning the property to its original look lies with the owner.

Imagine your well-tended grass, flowers, walkways, and other landscaping features demolished and replaced by large barren spots, unusable sidewalks and driveways, or a destroyed garden. Depending on where the pipe runs, you could be responsible for restoring or replacing landscape features destroyed by the construction process.

If you own a business, the inconvenience caused by digging and demolition could make your business less accessible. This demolition could block vital customer traffic for your business while leaving you stuck with the bill for replacing items such as sidewalks.

Repairing areas affected by the digging process could entail a cost of  hundreds or even thousands more dollars over and above the pipe repair job. It could also take days to complete, leaving your household with no water for an indeterminate period.

What Is Trenchless Pipe Lining?

With the traditional method used since Roman times a threat to create substantial costs, endless headaches, and a demolished landscape, the time has come to consider an alternative.

Technology advances in the past two decades have led to a less expensive, less time-consuming, and less destructive way to resolve water pipe problems.

Trenchless pipe lining represents a revolution in repairing or replacing sections of water pipe. It employs the latest equipment and techniques to solve ancient problems.

Two Types of Trenchless Pipe Lining

Trenchless pipe lining can take two forms. One emphasizes repairing the existing pipe while the other eliminates its use and replaces it entirely.

The first step lies in determining the extent of the damage to figure out which process would best resolve the problem. Water bubbles in the soil or a persistent wet spot on the ground during both wet and dry weather could indicate a water leak issue.

Once the problem area is found, trained professional pipe repair teams can perform examinations to determine the scope of the damage to the pipe. These examinations will direct the team in deciding which technique to use to restore proper water service.

Lateral Pipe Lining

This form serves as the most common method of repairing damaged water pipes.

Lateral pipe lining only requires the digging of a small access hole located near the affected length of pipe. From that access point, a pipe repair crew canrun small cameras into the aperture to determine the size and scope of the damaged pipe.

Next, the team will use precision equipment to clear away blockages such as clogs, roots, dirt, or other debris preventing water flow.  After the team confirms that they have cleared the pipe, they will take measurements to determine the size of the liner needed to repair the pipe.

The crew then mixes a resin compound to fit the measurements taken by the crew. At this point, the crew will pour the resin into the liner and work the material to ensure complete impregnation of resin into the liner.

Liner and resin both get loaded into an inversion machine. This will push the liner inside out into the existing pipe.  It then inserts the liner into the pipe, inflates it with compressed air, and allows the resin-coated exterior of the liner to bond with the former “host” pipe.

This simple method of repairing pipe requires a smaller crew, does less damage, and incurs fewer costs than the old-fashioned way.

Pipe “Bursting”

Lateral pipe lining provides best results when the affected pipe has minor to moderate levels of damage. The original pipe retains enough structural integrity to allow the lining to take its shape and replace its function.

Pipe bursting serves as the best solution when a pipe has little or no remaining structural integrity. Like lateral pipe lining, a contractor crew only needs to dig a small access hole to get to the pipe.

Once the crew gets to the pipe, they measure it to determine the needed size of replacement pipe. They then install a pull rod propelled or hydraulic powered device with a solid cone tip. The cone either gets pushed or pulled through the original pipe.

The cone tip allows access into the pipe and the wider shaft and base have a wider diameter than the front. It breaks up the original pipe and burrows a wide cavity through which to run the replacement pipe.

Many property owners use this as an opportunity to install wider pipes that can deliver higher water capacity to their home or business.

Benefits of Pipe Lining Over Traditional Methods

Both forms of trenchless pipe lining and replacement offer considerable advantages over the traditional method of digging, including but not limited to:

  • Minimal digging and damage to the landscape
  • Pipe relining using this technique almost always requires less than a day of work, helping you get water service and your life back faster
  • Almost any type of pipe, iron, clay, PVC, or other material can accommodate trenchless pipe relining techniques
  • The material used for pipe relining lasts over half a century.
  • If you have small children or outdoor pets, construction work and open pits can be dangerous. No dig solutions are best for such households
  • No exposure to harmful materials, such as the ground’s natural gases, asbestos, and other potential toxins.
  • No need to dispose of old pipe materials. Either way, they get left in the ground.
  • A traditional job may require dealing with more than one contractor, making getting the job done less convenient.

The most crucial difference, however, lies in the reduced cost over traditional methods.

Using trenchless pipe lining also provides several water quality benefits as well. A relined pipe can better resist persistent root intrusion. It also helps to maintain better water quality by preventing the intrusion of dirt, rust, biological hazards, and other contaminants that can affect water quality.

Trenchless Pipe Lining Costs Less

Despite using advanced technology and well-trained crews, trenchless pipe repair and replacement almost always costs significantly less than traditional methods after all factors get added in.

The direct costs of traditional versus trenchless pipe repair and replacement cover the actual job of accessing and resolving the pipe issue. Direct costs of both services are comparable.

Traditional pipe repair or replacement can cost between $50 and $250 per foot. The price depends on the material in the original pipe, its location, and other factors.

Lateral pipe relining, by comparison, generally costs between $80 and $250 per foot. Pipe bursting’s price range extends from $80 to approximately $200.

Much of the difference in cost between traditional and modern choices in pipe repair and replacement comes through indirect costs.

The first major additional cost could come from the digging of the trench in the traditional method. Many traditional pipe repair contractors do not factor excavation into the cost estimate, often because they do not perform the actual work.  Digging a trench can cost between $4 and $12 per foot, which by itself could add hundreds to the overall cost.

Objects on a piece of property rarely conform conveniently to the placement of water pipes. Moving heavy objects, removing trees, or breaking through other barriers, such as driveways, will cause your cost to increase as well.

Digging a trench and replacing pipe will take at least two days, in most instances, to complete. If more than one contractor is involved, it could take longer. Disruption to home life presents enough problems. If a business needs pipe repair or replacement, the costs incurred will include customers who avoid coming to the business when construction makes access difficult.

The most expensive added costs, however, come from restoring the property once the pipes are repaired, the holes filled in, and the backhoes carted away.  A property may still have broken sidewalks and driveways, unsightly bare patches of ground, uprooted bushes or even trees, and piles of debris.

Restoring your property’s original look could cost thousands.  This alone gives the best reason why trenchless serves as the better option for home or business.

Reach Out Today

Contact us today to learn more about what Best San Diego Leak Protection can do for you. We have a 24-hour response team always ready to respond to leaks and damage to water pipes, gas lines, plumbing leaks, sidewalk and slab damage, and more.

Check out our amazing deals, including free leak detection with repair, a $67 drain cleaning special, 20 percent savings with key account pricing, and more.

Our professional and friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about lateral pipe lining, pipe bursting, or any of our other services. We can also schedule you for an appointment for service.

If you have leaks and need help, call us today at 1 (800) 738-5235, send us an email to customerservice@sdplumbingpipeline.com, or stop by our convenient location in Carlsbad.

Don’t pay too much for vital repairs. Call Best San Diego Leak Protection today. Let us put over 35 years of proud, effective, and efficient customer service to work for you.

September 26, 2019 Categories:
high water bill

Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Why Is My Water Bill So High?

If you are like most people, your water bill is about the same each month. Suddenly getting a high water bill might seem like a mistake on the part of the utility company or it could be that your usage went up. There might be a simple explanation for the discrepancy. If there isn’t, then it’s time to start looking for the source of the water loss.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, a high water bill can end stretching your budget. It’s even worse when it keeps getting higher each month. If a leak is the cause of the price hike, it also means a precious resource is going to waste. It’s important to find the cause of the increased cost of water as quickly as possible. If there’s a leak in your water delivery system, fixing it sooner instead of later could prevent losing even more precious water.

9 Possible Causes of a High Water Bill

  1. Changes in Water Use

It only takes one change in how you use water to add up to a lot more usage. Also, since the water bill is usually for the previous month, people sometimes forget that they had a reason for using more water. For instance, you might have filled up a swimming pool, installed a new lawn sprinkler, or had a house guest.

Have the kids been home for summer break? If so, that’s about 40 more hours of showers, hand washing, and toilet flushes than there would be during a school week. Plus, any time they spend topping off the swimming pool or playing with the water hose adds to your water consumption too. Sometimes it’s the small things you don’t think about that add up to a lot of water use and cost.

During cold weather, homeowners often let their faucets drip to prevent their pipes from freezing. Letting multiple faucets drip adds up to a lot more water use than one dripping faucet. Talk to a plumber about other solutions to freezing pipes that don’t end up wasting water.

Think about any new water-consuming appliances you’ve installed, too. Larger capacity washing machines, a new dishwasher, or other equipment might take a lot more water than your older ones. Maybe you’re just using them more often for some reason. To minimize this kind of water usage, look for energy-efficient models that use less water. They may cost a little more initially, but they’ll end up saving you money and saving water in the long run.

  1. Outdated Fixtures & Toilets

There are lots of historic homes throughout San Diego, and a lot of outdated plumbing to go with them. While these homes offer a lot of charm with their historic architecture, outdated plumbing often contributes to the problem of water loss. When new buyers purchase these homes, they don’t consider the old fixtures and toilets as problematic. If they seem to be working, they assume everything is fine. If you buy a historic home, you might be paying high water bills from the start.

If you purchased an older home, find out if the faucets, toilets, showerheads, and other fixtures have been replaced. If not, opt for new water-saving toilets and fixtures and watch to see if your water bills go down.

  1. Leaky Toilets

Toilets get used a lot in the average household, making them a primary cause of water leaks. A toilet that runs longer than normal or that has a leak can lead to a significant loss of water each month. One simple way to tell if yours is leaking is to listen closely when it shouldn’t be running water. Any sounds like water dripping, hissing, or other sounds can mean there’s a leak inside the tank.

Another test that is often used by plumbers is the dye test. You can run the test using food coloring or a dye tablet from the hardware store. Put the dye in the tank and wait for about 15 or 20 minutes to check the toilet bowl. If there’s any dye in the bowl, it means there’s a leak letting the water flow through.

  1. Leaky Faucets

A high water bill might be a clue that the leak in your faucet isn’t as minor as you thought. Those tiny drips add up, wasting gallons of water each day. Fortunately, a leaky faucet is easy to spot and, often, easy to fix. Check all the faucets and showerheads in your house including those in guest rooms, the basement, or other areas you don’t use daily. In most cases, replacing a rubber washer will take care of the leak. At most, you might need a new faucet or showerhead. It’s a minor repair in comparison to the money you will pay in wasted water over time.

  1. An Irrigation Leak

This type of leak isn’t as easy to spot as a dripping faucet. Irrigation systems used during the hot summer months take a lot of additional water even when they work efficiently. When they aren’t, they could end up using a lot more water than needed. All it takes is a small crack or a loose joint to cause major water loss. The problem is that the water can leak out even when the system is turned off. If your irrigation system is buried, it may take some detective work to find the source of trouble.

Signs of an irrigation leak are similar to those of a lateral line leak; damp patches or areas of lush grass growth are common indicators that a leak exists. You might need to contact a professional plumber to determine the source and type of the leak and to replace the damaged lines.

Another common problem with irrigation systems is that the timers don’t always work properly. They may turn on more frequently and/or wait too long before cutting off. Monitor your system to see if it needs re-programming or if the timer needs to be replaced.

  1. Lateral Line Leaks

Lateral lines are the pipes that feed water from your incoming water to your home. A leak can occur in any place where there is a crack, a hole, or a loose joint. Sometimes older pipes decay with age and develop cracks or holes. Tree root intrusion is another common cause. These types of leaks are usually much more severe than irrigation leaks. A really high water bill might be an indicator that you need to call a plumber. They can tell you your options for traditional trench pipe replacement or trenchless pipe lining. The latter offers several advantages in those situations where it is an option.

  1. Sump Pump with Water Powered Back-Up

Some houses need a sump pump to keep water from flowing into the basement or crawl spaces. But the type of sump pump you use could result in you using a lot of water to keep your home dry. A water-powered pump doesn’t require electricity or a battery backup. Instead, it connects to your water source and requires more water pressure to pump out the water. Homeowners looking for an energy-efficient sump pump might choose one powered by water. But the cost of city water that it takes to operate is more expensive than the electricity that an electrical one uses. Plus, it wastes more water.

  1. You Have a Water Softener

Sometimes a water softener will cause a high water bill when it gets stuck in the regeneration or backwash cycle. These systems use water to clean the filter and discharge the wastewater into the ground. When the system gets stuck and repeats the cycle, it results in higher water use.

  1. Inefficient Water Use

Sometimes it isn’t the equipment or the plumbing that causes a waste of water. Sometimes it’s the way the homeowner misuses water that causes the problem. We take appliances for granted without thinking about whether they are water-efficient. Some ways you might be overconsuming water include:

  • Washing laundry when you don’t have a full load
  • Using a top-loading washing machine instead of a modern front-loading style that uses about half as much water
  • Over-watering lawns and landscaping
  • Use of water-consuming recreational toys and pools
  • Washing dishes by hand
  • Running water over frozen meat and other frozen foods to thaw them
  • Taking longer showers than necessary
  • Running water while shaving or brushing teeth
  • Repeatedly running out cold water while waiting for the hot water to reach the faucet

What to Do If You Get a High Water Bill

Your first instinct is to think the water company made a mistake on your water bill. Most of the time, that isn’t the case. Sometimes there are some strange reasons that water disappears, like a cat flushing the toilet to play with the water or your neighbor hooking up a hose to your outdoor faucet to fill their pool while you’re at work. These things do happen, but it’s more likely to be one of the issues listed above. The next step is to figure out which one.

– Start by checking all the faucets, showerheads, and toilets inside your home. Listen for the sound of running or dripping water. Also, note if there are any wet spots on the floor including around your water heater. Notice if there are any spots of mold on the walls or ceiling.

– A leaky water heater often goes unnoticed until it gets severe or stops working. Check yours at the top where the water enters and leaves the tank. These tubes are the most vulnerable to leaks due to high water pressure. Check the pressure relief valve near the top and see if it’s leaking. An older, worn valve might be leaking and need to be replaced.

Check the bottom of the heater. Look at the drain valve for escaping water. If there’s a puddle around the bottom, there’s probably a leak inside. Sometimes the only way to detect a leak is by sound. Listen to see if there is a hissing sound or the sound of water dripping or running. Even if there is no sign of a leak on the outside, there could be a break inside the tank. You might need to replace your water heater tank.

If you confirm that your water heater is leaking, shut off the breaker that supplies the power (if it’s electric) or shut off the supply switch if it’s gas. Turn off the water supply to the water heater and call a plumber. If you need to replace the entire water heater, invest in a modern, energy-efficient model that uses less water.

– Turn off all the water in and outside your home and look at your water meter. It should have a triangle-shaped dial or silver wheel that rotates when water flows through the meter. If the indicator is moving, you probably have a leak.

– If there aren’t any signs of a leak indoors, go outside. Look for damp spots on your lawn or areas where the grass is greener.

Even if you can’t find any signs of a leak, call a plumber who specializes in leak detection. If the meter test indicated a leak, it could be anywhere in the pipes running beneath the ground. Plumbers have special equipment that allows them to find the source of leaks without digging.

You shouldn’t wait to see if you get another high water bill next month before finding the source of the problem. Often, water leaks result from damaged pipes that have gotten worse over time. Letting them go will only lead to more damage and greater water loss.

Contact Best San Diego Leak Detection for Expert Services

Best San Diego Leak Detection is an award-winning leak detection company serving all of Southern California. We use the most advanced techniques and tools to diagnose the source of your leak and provide you with all of the options for repair, replacement, or maintenance. If a high water bill has you worried about a leak, contact us today. We are San Diego’s most trusted and reliable leak detection company.

August 26, 2019 Categories:
hot water recirculating pump

What You Should Know About a Hot Water Recirculating Pump

What You Should Know About a Hot Water Recirculating Pump

Hot water is a modern convenience that most of us typically don’t think much about. However, if you have ever had to wait several minutes for the water coming out of the faucet to heat up, you may be interested in learning more about hot water recirculating pumps. Rather than only sending hot water to your faucet when you call for it, these types of systems ensure that there is always a steady supply of hot water ready to come out of the tap right away.

While waiting a few minutes to get hot water is more of an inconvenience than anything else, it can also be quite wasteful. Unless you collect that unused cold water in a bucket to reuse in your garden or elsewhere around your home, it all just goes straight down the drain. With a hot water recirculating pump, cold water sitting in your pipes will go back to the water heater, bringing new hot water to the faucet so that it is ready whenever you are.

Because of frequent drought conditions and water restrictions here in California, the state’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards now require all new homes to include hot water recirculating pumps if they have any faucets that are farther than 50 feet from the water heater. The goal of this policy is to prevent water waste as homeowners wait for the hot water to arrive. Even if your home is older and not required to follow this new rule, it can still be a good idea to make the switch. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Cold Water Comes Out of a Hot Water Tap

When you have separate handles for hot and cold water, you expect hot water to come out of when you turn the hot handle and vice versa. So, why is it that you get a stream of cold water from your hot tap before the water heats up? The answer is that leftover water in the pipes has cooled over time.

When you operated the hot water tap the last time you needed it, the water shuts off as soon as you turn off the tap. However, the hot water had to travel from your water heater to the faucet for you to use. When you turned the tap off, there was still plenty of hot water in transit. With the faucet turned off, there is nowhere for that hot water to go, so it just sits there in your pipes. Over time, it will gradually lose its heat, leaving cold water behind in your hot water pipes.

Then, the next time you turn on the hot water, that cold water in the pipes has to make its way out before fresh hot water can come through. This is the cold water that you feel for the first minute or so after turning on the tap. Once the hot water has had enough time to make its way from the water heater to the faucet, forcing all of the cold water out along the way, you’ll get the hot water you need. The farther the distance between your water heater and faucet, the longer it will take for the hot water to reach you, and the more water you will waste in the process.

Hot Water Recirculating Pump Styles

To minimize water waste while waiting for hot water, you can have a recirculating pump installed on your water heater. These pumps return any unused hot water to your water heater to maintain its temperature while also sending fresh hot water to your faucets so that you don’t have to wait for the water to heat up. Hot water recirculating pumps generally fall into two primary categories.

Full Recirculating Pump System

In this type of system, your plumber will install additional hot water pipes in your home. These pipes can then return the unused hot water to the water heater. As the cooling hot water makes its way back to the water heater, new hot water can take its place so that it is always ready to go when you need it. The hot water flows through a continuous loop throughout your system so that there is a steady supply of hot water, minimizing your wait time and water waste.

If you are concerned about how this constant operation might affect your energy costs for heating the water, there is no need to be. While the system is capable of running continuously, it doesn’t always do this. Most hot water recirculating pumps come with sensors or timers to regulate operation. Sensors can detect the temperature of the hot water in the pipe, only running the recirculation pump when the temperature drops below a specified level. This way, the water won’t keep circulating when the water is already warm, typically stopping itself after one complete cycle.

Timers give you even greater control over when your system operates. For example, you can program your system to automatically turn off after a specified time in the evening so that it isn’t running while you are sleeping. You can also program the schedule to turn the system off when you are at work or go out of town on vacation.

Even if the hot water recirculating pump you choose doesn’t come with a sensor or timer, your plumber can easily install one for you. This way, you’ll get all the benefits of having more control over your system without having to select an entirely new pump system.

During the installation process, your plumber will need to install additional piping throughout your home to carry the unused hot water back to the water heater. This can add to your installation cost considerably, especially if the pipes in your home are difficult to access. If you don’t want to weather the added cost, or if the installation would be too complex, you do have another option.

Recirculating Pump Comfort System

To avoid having to install new pipes, you can opt for a hot water recirculating pump that sends unused water back to the water heater through your cold water pipes rather than through a separate pipe system. This option is much more cost-effective and easier to install, making this style of system accessible to a wider range of homeowners. However, you’ll still get the benefit of fast hot water when you need it.

Comfort systems do come with one major drawback, though. Because the hot water will flow back to the water heater through the cold water pipes, the water that comes out of the cold tap at first will likely be warmer than you are used to. It may also take a few moments for the water to get truly cold. In most cases, this won’t be much of an issue, as lukewarm water is perfectly fine for many applications around the house, like cleaning and cooking. However, if you use your tap to provide drinking water, you may have to wait until the water is cool enough to be palatable.

You can combat this issue when you know you are going to need cold water by turning off the pump temporarily. This method is particularly effective during the summer. Because the weather is warmer during this time of year, you won’t need to run the pump as frequently to get hot water anyway, as the water already in the pipes will stay hot longer.

Saving Water with Hot Water Recirculating Pumps

While the most obvious benefit of hot water recirculating pumps is that you’ll have access to virtually instant hot water from every sink in your home, you’ll also be saving a lot of water. Because there are so many factors that go into calculating the water savings, it is difficult to quantify exactly how much you’ll conserve, though some estimates place the amount as high as 15,000 gallons per year. However, certain factors can increase or reduce your savings.

For starters, the size of your pipes plays a major role. Pipes with larger diameters can carry a lot more water than their narrower counterparts, so you’ll see the greatest savings if you have pipes that are on the wider side. The distance between your water heater and faucets is important as well. If your hot water previously had to travel a long way to reach the tap, your savings will be higher than if your faucets were closer to the water heater.

Choosing Your Hot Water Recirculating Pump System

When choosing your hot water recirculating pump, your first decision should be whether you would prefer a full recirculating system or a comfort control system. Your budget and the configuration of your home will be among the most important factors in this decision. If plumbers can easily gain access to your pipe system and you can afford to pay a bit more, a full recirculating system will give you the greatest benefit, without the drawback of warming up your cold water on the return. To save money, time, and hassle, a comfort system may be the better option for you.

Once you have selected the style of system you would like, your next step is to choose a sensor or timer to control it. If you don’t want to have to worry about programming your system, a sensor can do the job for you by monitoring the water temperature in your pipes. To maximize the efficiency of your system, though, you’ll want to have the greatest possible control over when your system operates. For this, you’ll need a timer.

Simple, mechanical timers are easy to install and even easier to set. However, you may be limited in how detailed you can get with your timing. If your schedule changes from one day to the next, an electronic timer will give you greater flexibility. You can typically program several scenarios to accommodate changes in your daily schedule, like from workdays to the weekend or if your schedule doesn’t follow the typical work week.

Other Considerations

It is also a good idea to insulate your hot water pipes, both heading to your faucets and back to the water heater. This will help to trap heat inside and prevent it from dissipating through the walls of the pipes over time. With proper insulation, the water will stay hotter for much longer, minimizing the number of times you have to run your pump throughout the day to keep hot water in the pipes at all times. This can result in major energy savings over time.

California is known for having hard water, and if you don’t have a water softener installed in your home, the minerals in the water can wreak havoc on your hot water recirculating pump. To help it last as long as possible, look for pumps made from stainless steel to minimize the risk of corrosion and prevent calcium deposits from forming.

You should also take note of the size of the inlets and outlets. As calcium deposits form in the pipes, they can narrow these openings over time. The larger the opening, the easier it will be for water to continue to flow through. Even with a bit of buildup, you’ll still have plenty of water coming through, maximizing the amount of time between maintenance services.

Learn More about Hot Water Recirculating Pumps

Here at Best San Diego Leak Detection, we are proud to include hot water services among our offerings. This includes installing, maintaining, and repairing water heaters and their associated accessories, like hot water recirculating pumps. We are experts at what we do and can help you narrow down your options to settle on the best recirculating pump to meet your needs and budget.

Our friendly associates are always happy to answer your questions, so don’t be shy about reaching out if there is anything you don’t fully understand. We’ll set you up with a free consultation appointment to discuss your needs and preferences in greater detail. Call now to get started.

July 16, 2019 Categories:
sump pump

Why You Need a Sump Pump

Why You Need a Sump Pump

If you’re like most people, you’ve heard homeowners mention their sump pump even though you don’t really know what it is. Learning what it is and how it can benefit you could save you a lot of money. If you have problems with groundwater running into your home after heavy rains, this might be a good time to learn more about this valuable tool.

What Is a Sump Pump and What Does It Do?

A sump pump is a special kind of pump that is installed underneath your basement floor or crawl space. When there’s a lot of rain, the groundwater might start coming through cracks in the foundation. As a result, you may end up with dampness, mold growth, and damage to your home’s structural materials. With enough water, there could be severe flooding in your basement.

A sump pump is designed to prevent these problems. The pump collects all the excess water and redirects it away from your home. It prevents flooding of the basement or crawl space. Investing in the pump now could end up saving you a lot of money from water damage in the end. That is, if your home is vulnerable to wetness and moisture.

How Is Your House Built?

Houses are either built over a basement, a crawl space, or a concrete slab. A concrete slab serves as a solid foundation with no open space above or below it. Sometimes groundwater makes its way through cracks in the slab. Water from leaky pipes can also come through foundation cracks and pinhole leaks, damaging your flooring and causing mildew and mold growth.

What Is a Concrete Slab?

A concrete slab that is 6 to 8 inches thick is used as a foundation for homes without crawl spaces or basements. A gravel surface underneath provides good drainage. Sometimes piping and electrical wiring run through the concrete slab. Grooves and expansion joints are added to adjust to any cracking that takes place during the curing process.

Floor slabs are the simplest and cheapest type of foundation to build. However, when a leak occurs, it can end up costing a lot to have it repaired. The best type of slab leak repair depends on the source of the water coming into the home.

It’s important to know the signs of a slab leak and request a repair as soon as possible. Slab leaks are the most difficult to repair using traditional methods because the only access is through the flooring. Pipelining is an easier way to repair leaky pipes that run underneath your floor. This process allows plumbers to access and repair the pipe from outside so there is no additional damage.

The first step to prevent damage from slab leaks is to recognize that there’s a problem. The second is to call for slab leak detection services to locate the source of the leak.

The longer you let it go, the more damage it will cause. You can’t avoid this type of water damage altogether with a sump pump. Knowing when there’s a problem is your best defense against water damage.

What Is a Crawl Space?

A crawl space is an open area beneath your home that is usually between one and three feet high. It offers just enough space for someone to crawl in, hence its name. The crawl space helps lift your home off the ground and provides access to electrical wiring, ductwork, HVAC systems, and plumbing.

A crawl space offers several benefits, especially if you live in damp locations or a flood zone. Unlike homes built on concrete slabs, those with a crawl space give you easy access to the guts of the home. They are also better suited to moist areas where a full basement is more prone to flooding.

Another benefit of crawl spaces is that they cost a lot less to install than a full basement. If you don’t really need the additional living space a basement provides, a crawl space is a good alternative. Like a basement, it offers easy access to pipes, wiring, heating & cooling, but it doesn’t provide additional living space.

Sometimes crawl spaces have the opposite effect than expected. Without adequate ventilation, they can allow moisture to move from the ground up into the floor of the house. This moisture can lead to structural damage over time. It also provides a breeding ground for termites, rodents, mold, and mildew. That’s why having a sump pump in your crawl space is a good idea if you have any excess moisture. It redirects the moisture before it can become a problem for your home.

Choosing the type of foundation for your home is easy when you’re building a new construction. In some areas, you are limited to the type of foundation by the local laws and building codes. Some of the factors that should go into the decision are the natural conditions, the frost line, depth of water tables, type of soil, and the overall water drainage.

When purchasing a home that is already built, people sometimes look at crawl spaces or basements as a bonus. They might not be a primary concern, however, making it easy to overlook existing water damage. If you’re buying a home with a crawl space or basement, make sure you have the home inspector examine the space for moisture and signs of water damage.

Another tip for house buying is to talk with the neighbors. If the location is prone to flooding, they’ll know it. It could impact your decision about the type of home to buy and whether you want to live in that area.

It’s always a good idea to have the plumbing checked out by a professional plumber before you buy a house. This is especially true for older homes with existing systems that have surpassed their lifespan. There are affordable options for replacing outdated or damaged pipes without the mess and time investment of excavation. But you don’t want any surprises after you make the purchase. The seller should deduct any necessary repairs from the purchase price.

Should I Buy a House with a Sump Pump?

Few builders install a sump pump as an option, meaning the current or previous homeowner probably had it installed due to a water problem. There might be a recurring problem with excessive rain or snow, or the homeowner might use the pump as insurance against leaky pipes. Again, have the house inspector examine the basement or crawl space for any evidence that there is a problem. If there are cracks in the foundation or basement walls, it might be a reason for concern. The damage might have occurred before the homeowner installed the pump.

How a Sump Pump Works

Sump pumps are small enough to fit into a small pit that’s about 2 feet deep and 18 inches wide. They go in the lowest area of the basement or crawl space. The pit fills with water, either from a drain or the natural seepage of groundwater. As it fills, the pump turns on and moves the water out through pipes that carry it away from your home.

The pipes carrying the water contain a one-way “check valve” that prevents the water from flowing back into the pit. It knows when to turn on in much the same way your toilet tank works. A float activator arm or sensor pressure signals that water is building up. This causes the pump to activate the pumping motion. Once the float falls to a certain level, signaling that the water is no longer there, the pump cuts off.

Some sump pumps work manually. These aren’t as common due to the necessity to turn them on when needed. However, if there aren’t any regular problems with flooding or moisture or the pump is just installed as insurance, a manual pump will serve the purpose. Your home doesn’t have to be vulnerable to flooding or moisture to suddenly run into trouble.

Different Types of Basements

One reason homeowners like basements so much is their versatility. In addition to half and full basements, there are also many differences in the way they’re constructed and used. Some have windows while others don’t. Some have poured concrete walls while others are made with plasterboard. Some homeowners use their unfinished basements for storage space. People sometimes use finished basements as an additional room, a business office, or an apartment.

Regardless of how large a basement is or what is in it, water damage can be expensive. It can damage the structure of the home and features such as carpeting, furniture, and stored materials. Mold can get inside the living portion of the home and cause illnesses. The more severe the problem becomes and the longer moisture is present, the more scope there is for damage.

Early problems might go unnoticed. In basements that aren’t used every day, it’s easy to overlook a moisture problem. Some clues that there is a leak somewhere in your home include funny noises in the pipes, a higher water bill, and buckling of your floor.

Why Basements and Crawl Spaces Flood

Excessive rain and snow are common causes of flooding. Most homeowners know when they are prone to flooding based on the weather in the area. But sometimes a basement or crawl space floods unexpectantly or in dry weather.

Water can seep through walls and cracks in the foundation. It can come from surface water sources like supply pipes and drains, or from storm sewer backup. All water runs downhill, meaning that downhill areas are prone to flooding anytime a source becomes available.

That might seem contradictory, considering that groundwater can cause flooding in these areas too. But sometimes the water that is below the ground’s surface is still higher than the level of the basement or crawl space floor.

Sewer systems are also located in the ground. Although they are usually below the level of the basement and crawlspace, sometimes the water level rises. If the sewer level is higher than the floor when a leak occurs, water can end up in your basement or crawl space. Like water delivery systems in your home, sewage systems deteriorate over time. Not only does this pose a problem to your basement or crawl space; it also contaminates the groundwater.

Do I Need a Sump Pump in My Home?

All homes don’t need a sump pump. If you have wetness or moisture in your basement or crawl space, you do. Groundwater can come in through cracks in the foundation. While the problem might be minor during normal weather, it could turn into flooding during times when the rain is excessive. Sometimes old gutter systems that don’t direct water away from the foundation can lead to flooding too. Sometimes unexpected moisture and flooding occur. If you’re unsure about whether installing a sump pump is a good idea for you, consider the following:

  • If your home has had past water problems, then installing a sump pump is a no-brainer. If it happened before, it’s probably going to happen again.
  • Consider your location. If your house sits on a very flat plot of land or a low-lying plot that is below the water table, you’re prone to flooding. Also, homes with poorly draining soil or those in areas with strong rains or heavy snowfalls are more vulnerable.
  • Consider the potential cost of damages. There’s a reason some homeowners consider a sump pump as a form of insurance. The installation costs range from $275 to $3,500. That’s a lot more affordable than the loss of the contents of your basement and/or the repair costs you’ll have to make to your home.
  • Sump pumps don’t last forever. If you already have one in your home, it might be time to consider a replacement. The average life is for 10 years for a submersible pump and 25 to 30 years for a pedestal style. You don’t want to wait for your existing pump to fail before you buy a new one.
  • A sump pump requires some maintenance. You need to clean the filter trap every 3 or 4 months. You should also test it several times yearly by pouring water into it and seeing if it activates. Also, oil the pump as instructed by the owner’s manual.

Making the decision to install a sump pump in your home is just one way to protect it from water damage. You also need to know the signs of leaks in your water delivery system and drains, as well as how to recognize sewage symptoms. Take care of the problems that cause flooding and water damage before they get worse. Having a sump pump is not a substitute for maintaining dependable plumbing throughout your home.

If you’re experiencing signs of a water leak, contact Best San Diego Leak Detection today. We’ll find the source of the problem and make the repair process as fast, effective, and affordable as possible.

June 19, 2019 Categories:

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